A Beast is Born
A Beast Is Born The Carnival of Reality is chewing on this fragile veil of Sanity I've spun around what's left of my world Days freeze into nights and nights melt into days again as the demons at my bolted door are forging their own key They scream my name I think I...
VOICE OF DESTRUCTION-A Wot Demo-(Self Released-c30-South Africa-1987)
Voice Of Destruction started around late 1985 early 1986 if I remember correctly. A wot demo their first recording was recorded I'd say 1987. They were to my eyes and ears the most influential and constant Cape Town hardcore punk band. They were a feature of the...
Alienation in the extreme: An exploration of normlessness and social isolation in Afrikaans extreme metal
Vervreemding in die ekstreem: ’n Oorsig oor normloosheid en sosiale isolasie in Afrikaanse ekstreme metal Burgert A. Senekal Departement Afrikaans en Nederlands, Duits en Frans Universiteit van die Vrystaat Voice of Destruction (V.O.D.) is in die middel-1980’s deur...
Ascendance Zine Vol.9 , FINLAND
Oh, this has two songs from their 3″ MCD (’95) and 9 new ones + 2 bonus tracks taken from a live video’93 (!?!).
After many wild experiences, this 4-piece V.O.D. still trust in true thrashing metal that has a lyrical depth. Guess as you do feel like singin’ ’bout some more serious things, if you’ve lived in South Africa, like V.O.D. have. This CD is a bit annoying in too many places, to say the truth…. But it’s pretty variable metal with decent sounds recorded in London and released by Morbid Records, like the 3″.
Simple titles like ‘Doom’ (a very impressing cut), ‘A Beast is Born’, ‘Funeral’, ‘Religion’… Huh, this is a pretty strong debut, let’s hope they’ll continue…
CHAOTIK WEBZINE issue#3 - France
This is one of the living legends of today’s underground… VOD (don’t confuse with the NYC hardcorers) started playing punk/hardcore back in 1986, when the political/social situation in South Africa was really hard (fuck Apartheid). In fact, THEY created the SA metal scene.
Since the beginning’s punk/hXc, their style changed a hell of a lot… This CD is beautiful, gloomy, depressive but still brutal. While bands like MY DYING BRIDE or ANATHEMA have forgotten the meaning of the ” brutality ” word and denied their death metal roots, VOD enhances them with great amounts of heavy, doom, and even gothic influences. The result is an underground metal masterpiece. As if the killer material was not enough, the production is really great (done in the Academy Studios – MDB, ANATHEMA, CRADLE OF FILTH, early PARADISE LOST) and the cover artwork awesome.
Talking more about one of 1996’s best CD’s would be just a waste of time. BUY IT NOW!!!