VOD@East Club – Bischofswerda, Germany

Autumn Wilderness Tour Europe with In the Woods, Katatonia and Voice Of Destruction. Our favourite territory. Yes !! We’re back ! Loads of food, whiskey, vodka etc. Total party ! Excellent gig, place packed. Partied hard and acted completely scandalous. Ha-Ha !
Olaf told me to chat up this girl – it was his girlfriend, the bastard ! I was apologizing all over the place – she was quite unimpressed ! Olaf, you little shit !
We met this cute little German girl, Zodel, who can hardly speak English (my broken German is not too hot, but Johan is fluent). She had dreads, a pierced tongue and thin rimmed spectacles. Too damn cute. Greg suddenly pronounced he was in love with her ! The evening milled on in a blurred flurry of chaos, boozing, exploding yoghurt tubs over my and Roggo’s head – the regular debauchery.
David got lucky (or unlucky) with this groupie kind of girl. Everyone burst into the place – good lord, how embarrassing for the girl. Dave doesn’t give a shit, he thought it was cool. Oh, yes, we played a gig ! It was ace ! Wore my silly striped sleeping cap.
I was so trashed I was almost left behind. The next day I realized I lost my V.O.D cross necklace – Shit-Shit-Shit!!
Paul Blom